Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Hello and welcome to Steal Their Style!!

Hi, it's Jade here. You can call me Jadey, Jadelyn, Jades, Cutie Mix (I know that one is from Jade from Little Mix, my friends call me that because we have the same names) or whatever you wanna call me.
This blog is for you to copy or make a similar style that your favorites singers / actresses have, the style will be exacts or similar in case I don't find the exact piece of clothing or accesory, ect. Feel free to ask in the comments section below, suggest, find style advice or any kind of advice; don't be shy or scared to talk to me even if it's privately, I always will be there for my dear readers :) If you wanna talk privately then I'll give you my mail so you can write to me and talk. 
I hope I have the same taste in music, TV shows, ect so we can get along really well. Ok, my entries will be everyday, hopefully and I'll be like your favorite celebrities' news source; I can stalk for you if you want hahah
So, I'm waiting for your visits and your comments.
Lots of love<3
Jade :) xx